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After much debate and consultation a resolution to introduce an automatic Funeral benefit of R10,000 on the life of each member was approved during the course of 2008.  This will become effective for all existing members from 1 January 2009. 

It is important to note that this Funeral benefit is included in the membership subscription and members do not have to take out individual policies for this insurance.

Some important points to note:

  • The Funeral benefit is available to members only, including those employed by the state, school governing body or college council or independent school;
  • A member’s subscription payments to the Union must be fully up to date (i.e. a “member in good standing”);
  • The benefit is on the life of a member and does not include family members;
  • All existing members have immediate cover from 1 January 2009;
  • New members who join after 31 December 2008 will be eligible for the benefit after a waiting period of 6 months and provided membership fees have been paid to the Union;
  • Any claims for the Funeral benefit must be sent to NAPTOSA provincial offices where the member is affiliated.
  • NAPTOSA members in Limpopo Province must sent their funeral claim forms to the Gauteng Office.
  • A claim for the funeral benefit shall be valid if received within 6 (six) months from the date of death of the member;
  • Members are advised to appoint, in writing, a person (next of kin) who will be responsible for handling their funeral arrangements and costs and to whom the benefit should be paid;
  • The administration required to access the Funeral benefit will include: a duly completed Application Form (with preferably a letter from a magistrates’ court or police that the person claiming the benefit is entitled to do so), certified copies of ID document of member, death certificate of the member, ID document of the claimant, marriage certificate, copy of salary slip showing membership of NAPTOSA (or any other satisfactory evidence of current membership);
  • Payment will usually be made within 48 hours of the submission of all the above documents subject to verification.
    Family Assistance Benefit effective from 1 August 2014.
  • Family Assistance benefit is a new benefit added to the NAPTOSA Funeral benefit for members at no extra cost.
  • The Family Assistance Benefit services is available to a NAPTOSA member, his/her spouse, children, parents and parents-in-law.
  • The NAPTOSA Funeral benefit includes the Family Assistance Benefit. The Services are available to the member, his/ her spouse, children, parents and parents-in-law.
  • The Family Assistance Benefit is a 24 hour/365 days a year service that provides invaluable support to members during traumatic life events. The Family Assistance Benefit offers members assistance with:
    • Repatriation of mortal remains
    • Funeral Assistance Service
    • Legal Assistance
    • Trauma, Assault and HIV Protection
    • Emergency Medical Services
    • Bereavement Counselling
    • Claims Assistance

NAPTOSA members can access The Family Assistance Benefit on 086 1666 111


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