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The ConCourt ruling (July 2013) on the "pregnat learner policies" of two schools in the Free State has highlighted the importance of SGBs and educators drafting policies that are non-discriminatory and meet the test of "constitutionality

"The downloads available on this page may assist SGBs as they write or review their policies.

In cases where prevention measures fail and learners do fall pregnant the education system must manage the situation by balancing the best interests of the individual against those of other learners, educators, the school and the community (DBE)

pdf Download DBE Guidelines (111 KB)

NB. Item 22 in the Guideline document has been severely criticised by the High Court and other interested bodies e.g Equal Education

pdf Download WCED policy (17 KB)

Read Equal Education article: Support those who need it most: pregnant girls have the right to be in school.