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NAPTOSA learnt with surprise and shock that the Minister of Basic Education has decided to withdraw from the mediation process which was seeking to find a solution to the DBE intention to force learners at schools to write the ANAs at the beginning of December this year.  The mediation process was one which all education sector unions were happy to participate in, and we assumed that the DBE was as well.

Therefore after a meaningful process since 2 November and with an agreement insight it was extremely disappointing to learn that the Minister decided to declare a deadlock.  In fact an agreement had been virtually hammered out and was due to be signed on Friday 20 November 2015.  There may have been a phrase or two that required refinement, but the essence of an agreement was in place.  No meeting to sign took place after the DBE postponed, and on Monday we learnt with shock from the mediator that the Minister had withdrawn by declaring a deadlock.  We can only conclude that the DBE were participating in bad faith.  We are aware that the Minister hastily convened a meeting with Governing Body associations, principal associations and student formations in an attempt to elicit support, but failed to contact any of the Unions involved (NAPTOSA, SADTU, SAOU, NATU or PEU).

The DBE has issued a Circular (No 4 of 2015) to Provinces, District Directors and School Principals instructing, inter alia, that

- The writing of the ANA 2015 will take place from 26 November to 4 December 2015, at a time and place that is convenient to the school.  The school must determine the timetable for the writing of these tests.
- The Provincial Education Departments must issue a provincial circular to schools confirming the date on which the tests will be available for collection.
- The marking will be done by teachers at school and should be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2016.
- During the first quarter of 2016 ANA scripts will be collected from a sample of schools for external moderation.


2015 NSC Report under What's New 


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